Many Richmont faculty are world-renowned authors, having written on a spectrum of psychological and spiritual issues.
Their books are available from Amazon and ChristianBook
A. David G. Benner, Ph.D.
- Desiring God’s Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God
- The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self Discovery
- Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls
- Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality
- Strategic Pastoral Counseling, 2nd Edition
- Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship and Direction
- Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, 2nd Edition
- Care of Souls: Reuniting the Psychological and Spiritual for Christian Nurture and Counsel
- Money Madness and Financial Freedom: The Psychology of Money Meanings and Management (Life Line Series)
- Psychotherapy and the Spiritual Quest
- Psychotherapy in Christian Perspective
- Spirituality and the Awakening Self: The Sacred Journey of Transformation
- Psychology and Religion
- Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy
- Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer
- Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human
- Christian Perspectives on Human Development (Psychology and Christianity)
- Understanding and Facilitating Forgiveness (Strategic pastoral Counseling Resources)
- Counseling and the Human Predicament: A Study of Sin, Guilt, and Forgiveness (Psychology and Christianity)
- Healing Emotional Wounds
- Choosing the Gift of Forgiveness: How to Overcome Hurts and Brokenness (Strategic Christian Living)
Ken Boa, Ph.D.
- Conformed to His Image: Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation
- Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship
- Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Spiritual Growth
- I’m Glad You Asked: In-Depth Answers to Difficult Questions about Christianity
- Handbook to Prayer: Praying Scripture back to God
- The Perfect Leader
- Handbook to Leadership
- 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists: Discover Why Believing in God Makes so Much Sense
- The Art of Living Well: A Biblical Approach from Proverbs (Guidebook)
- God, I Don’t Understand: Answers to Difficult Questions of the Faith
- A Taste of the Classics: Volume 1: Mere Christianity, Pilgrims Progress, The Brothers Karamazov and the Imitation of Christ
- A Taste of the Classics: Volume 2: The Screwtape Letters, Paradise Lost, Confessions by Augustine and the Pursuit of God
- A Taste of the Classics: Volume 3: Crime and Punishment, Penses, The Great Divorce and Christian Perfection
- A Taste of the Classics: Volume 4: The Divine Comedy, Knowledge of the Holy, Pride and Prejudice and the Love of God
- Seasons of Prayer: In Word and Image
- Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons
- 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists: Discover Why Believing in God Makes So Much Sense
- Talk Thru the Bible
- Faith Has Its Reasons: Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith
- The Leadership Bible
- Handbook to Renewal: Renewing Your Mind with Affirmations from Scripture
- Cults, World Religions and the Occult: What They Teach, How to Respond to Them
- The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: A Devotional Study
- Hearts and Minds: Raising Your Child with a Christian View of the World
- Simple Prayers: A Daybook of Conversations with God
- Drawing Near
- Pursuing Wisdom: A Biblical Approach from Proverbs
- Handbook to Spiritual Growth: Twelve Facets of the Spiritual Life
- Wisdom at Work: A Biblical Approach to the Workplace
- Unraveling the Big Questions about God
Jeanine Brown, Ph.D.
- Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics
Gary R. Collins, Ph.D.
- The Biblical Basis of Christian Counseling
- Christian Coaching
- Christian Counseling: a Comprehensive Guide
- How to Be a People Helper
- The Soul Search: A Spiritual Journey to Authentic Intimacy with God
- Christian Counseling Casebook
- Psychology & Christianity: Four Views
- The Rebuilding of Psychology: An Integration of Psychology and Christianity
- Breathless: Transform Your Time-Starved Days into a Life Well Lived
- Case Studies in Christian Counseling (Resources for Christian Counseling)
- Excellence and Ethics in Counseling (Resources for Christian Counseling)
- Innovative Approaches to Counseling (Resources for Christian Counseling)
- Can You Trust Psychology: Exposing the Facts and the Fictions
- You Can Make a Difference: 14 Principles for Influencing Lives
- The Magnificent Mind
- Psychology & Theology: Prospects for Integration
- Family Shock: Keeping Families Strong in the Midst of Earthshaking Change
- Helping People Grow: Practical Approaches to Christian Counseling
- The Soul Search: A Spiritual Journey to Authentic Intimacy with God
- Make More of Your Marriage
- Baby Boomer Blues (Contemporary Christian Counseling)
- Beyond Easy Believism
- It’s O.K. to be Single: A Guidebook for Singles and the Church
- Living in Peace; The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations
- The 60-Second Christian
- Calm Down
- Coping with Christmas
- Family Talk
- Getting Started: Directions for the Most Important Decisions in Life
- Getting Your Life Out of Neutral
- Give Me a Break
- Handling the Holidays: A Psychologist’s Guide to Turning Your Hectic Holidays into True Celebrations
- The Joy of Caring
- The Secrets of Our Sexuality: Role Liberation for the Christian
- Spotlight on Stress
- You Can Profit from Stress
David C. Cooper, D.Min.
- For Better, Not Worse: Transforming Your Marriage from a Contract to a Covenant (DiscoverLife Publishing)
- Apocalypse! A New Look at the Book of Revelation (Pathway Press)
- Written On Our Hearts: Rediscovering the Ten Commandments (DiscoverLife Publishing)
- Seven Scriptural Steps to Success (DiscoverLife Publishing)
- Faith Under Fire: How Christians Respond to Islam and Other Religions (Pathway Press)
- Repurposing Your Life (Pathway Press)
- Timeless Truths in Changing Times — A 365-Daily Devotional (DiscoverLife Publishing)
- 10 Steps Toward a Better Life (Pathway Press)
Larry Crabb, Ph.D.
- Fully Alive: A Biblical Vision of Gender That Frees Men and Women to Live Beyond Stereotypes
- Inside Out
- The Pressure’s Off: There’s a new Way to Live
- Shattered Dreams: God’s Unexpected Path to Joy
- Connecting: healing Ourselves and Our Relationships
- Soul Talk: The Language God Longs for Us to Speak
- Becoming a True Spiritual Community: A Profound Vision of What the Church Can Be
- Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors
- The Marriage Builder: Creating True Oneness to Transform Your Marriage
- 66 Love Letters: A Conversation with God That Invites You into His Story
- Finding God
- The Papa Prayer: The Prayer You’ve Never Prayed
- Understanding People: Why We Long for Relationship
- Men of Courage: God’s Call to Move Beyond the Silence of Adam
- Encouragement: The Unexpected Power of Building Others Up
- Understanding Who You Are: What Your Relationships Tell You About Yourself (LifeChange)
- The Safest Place on Earth
- The Silence of Adam: Becoming Men of Courage in a World of Chaos
- God’s Love Letters to You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience
- Men & Women: Enjoying the Difference
- Basic Principles of Biblical Counseling: Meeting Counseling Needs Through the Local Church
- Real Church: Does it Exist? Can I Find It?
- Hope When You’re Hurting: Answers to Four Questions Hurting People Ask
- How to Deal with Anger (Designed for Influence)
- Bring Home the Joy
- Who We Are & How We Relate: The Ibc Approach to Understanding What Makes People
William Doverspike, Ph.D.
- Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical & Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice
- MDI-R, Multiaxial Diagnostic Inventory (Revised Edition): Professional Manual
Jerry A. Gladson, Ph.D.
- A Week of Passion, an Eternity of Joy (Bible Ride, Bk. 3)
- The Bible Ride (The Bible Ride, Bk. 2)
- Falling for God
Scott Harrower, Ph.D.
- Trinitarian Self and Salvation: An Evangelical Engagement with Rahner’s Rule
Gregory K. Moffatt, Ph.D.
- A Violent Heart: Understanding Aggressive Individuals
- Blind-Sided: Homocide Where It Is Least Expected
- Stone Cold Souls: History’s Most Vicious Killers
- Wounded Innocents and Fallen Angels: Child Abuse and Child Aggression
- Survivors: What We Can Learn from How They Cope with Horrific Tragedy
- The Parenting Journey: From Conception through the Teen Years
- Handcuffed: A Friendship of Endurance
Gary Moon, Ph.D.
- A Week of Passion, an Eternity of Joy (Bible Ride, Bk. 3)
- The Bible Ride (The Bible Ride, Bk. 2)
- Falling for God
- Homesick for Eden: A Soul’s Journey to Joy
- Homesick for Eden: Confessions About the Journey of a Soul
- Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls
Douglas Rosenau, Ed.D.
- Celebration of Sex
- Soul Virgins: Redefining Single Sexuality
- A Celebration of Sex after 50
- A Celebration of Sex for Newlyweds
- Slaying the Marriage Dragons
Tim Sisemore, Ph.D.
- I Bet I Won’t Fret … A Workbook That Helps Kids Beat the Worries
- Instant Help for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Of Such is the Kingdom: Nurturing Children in the Light of Scripture
- The Clinician’s Guide to Exposure Therapies for Anxiety Spectrum Disorders: Integrating Techniques and Applications from CBT, DBT, and ACT
- Free from OCD: A Workbook for Teens with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- World-Proof Your Kids: Raising Children Unstained by the World
- Our Covenant with Kids: Biblical Nurture in Home and Church
- Counseling and Christianity: Five Approaches
Siang-Yang Tan, Ph.D.
- Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective
- Lay Counseling: Equipping Christians for a Helping Ministry
- Disciplines of the Holy Spirit: How to Connect to the Spirit’s Power and Presence
- Understanding Depression (Strategic Pastoral Counseling Resources)
- Rest: Experiencing God’s Peace in a Restless World
- Full Service: Moving from Self-Serve Christianity to Total Servanthood
- Coping with Depression
- Managing Chronic Pain: Strategies for Dealing with Back Pain, Headaches, Muscle & Joint Pain, Cancer Pain, Abdominal Pain
Peter Vogt, Ph.D.
- Interpreting the Pentateuch: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis)
- Deuteronomic Theology and the Significance of Torah: A Reappraisal
Bill Willits
- Creating Community: Five Keys to Building a Small Group Culture
Sandra D. Wilson, Ph.D.
- Hurt People Hurt People: Hope and Healing for Yourself and Your Relationships
- Into Abba’s Arms (AACC Library)
- Released from Shame: Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past
- Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics (Resources for Christian Counseling)
- Shame-Free Parenting
- The World According to Me: Recognizing and Releasing Our Illusions of Control